Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Egyptian Rulers of the Underworld

Everyone probably dreams of  ruling over the world but what about ruling the underworld doesn't sound quite as fun does it. So you can probably understand how Osiris was feeling he was ruler of the world and all of a sudden his jealous brother Set came and killed him. His wife tried her best to save him but couldn't. So that's how the once ruler of the world Osiris got trapped ruling the underworld. Though Osiris wasn't able to get to rule the underworld on his own he had help from many other Egyptian gods. Just a few of those are Thoth who records all of the people who come to the weighing of the heart ceremony. Then there's my personal favorite Anubis who is the god of mummification and his pet the devourer whose job is to devourer the peoples hearts whose heart outweighs the feather of truth.

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